Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm just not skinny...anymore.

I used to be super fit.

I used to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.
Does this sound familiar? Remember those days? well if you don't, you WILL. sorry. plain, ugly truth. Eat everything you can NOW cause when 30's all down hill. Take it from me.

Why is it so hard to diet and work out? I blame energy levels, super good foods and LAZINESS! I just don't know what to do. I can no longer rely on my old metabolism and it's bummin me out hard core.
Today I worked with some models (clearly I was not one of them, although I was asked to be)
We modeled some jeans with bikini tops...well, on the way home, I called my husband and cried. TEARS, like big overflowing TEARS. Why would they humiliate me like this? I'm gonna be seen on  a NATIONAL commercial and CRY from humiliation!
I could not believe that all of these bodies around me were NOT FAT,  flat stomachs, 5'9  all legs! Then there I was...short, not toned and modeling jeans as if I was a 22 year old version of my former self. Who told me I could do this? Someone should have FIRED me.

I am deeply depressed today. I want to go and have Mcd's! The end.

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