Monday, April 18, 2011

Drowning above water...

Looking for inspiration, for a miracle everywhere I take a breath
nothing but an ocean of rain comes over my face before I can focus on what's before me.
My heart is the weight of a thousand men and
I drag it around all day long with a plastic smile I paint on every day.

I run out of words, I lack the vocabulary I need when trying to describe how I actually feel.
What will become of this life? of me? What have I become already?
A person I do not recognize as my own, eyes that gaze back but no reflection do I see.

Is this what God intended for me? They say you are not given more than you can handle but somebody please hear me because I think he forgot about me. Is anyone listening?
Drowning while breathing, drowning above water, is the best I can come up with...
How could this be?
How could this happen?
Where did I go wrong and why did I keep going?

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