Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's never too late to turn it all around...

Maybe it's time to stop feeling so low...
I look over my blog and wonder what you all must think. This poor lost, little girl who's every entry has something to do with overwhelming emotions of sorrow

It's all up to me and no one else, right?
So if I feel so down and out it's because I am ALLOWING it to happen! I control me and my destiny and no one else.
Maybe today is the day it all starts looking up...

Happy blogs about silly and fun and meaningful things is what I will concentrate on...
Please forgive me if every now and again I fall off the tracks and breathe a sad word or two.
Have enough faith in me to know I will find my back to the yellow brick road... eventually.

Hope everyone out there has a great TUES-DAY!

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