Sunday, April 17, 2011

Been a few weeks...

I haven't blogged in a few weeks cause either 1. Life gets so incredibly busy or 2. I don't feel like saying that much lately.

What I will say today, is that I am so tired! Shouldn't this be everyone's tag line in life? I feel like I never catch up. I wake up 100 times a night to either turn, stare up at the ceiling, go to the loo etc...but I seriously can't remember the last time I felt AWESOME and well rested from the first moment I open my peepers. We don't even have kids yet so I bet a lot of you have NO sympathy for me whatsoever! (I don't blame you) But still...I am tired :(

Sometimes I feel like my brain carries way too much information that I can't get rid of. Stupid info that I don't need but is there. I worry and stress about almost everything and I don't know how to stop. I try meditating in prayer  form, breathing, listening to "ocean sounds" on my ipad but nothing ever really works. How does one stop worrying? Is it possible? Cause unless you live in world without family, a job, a pet, bills or friends then NO, it's impossible. Worrying is a prerequisite to this life as soon as we are born. I wish I had better news on this sunny Sunday morning, but I don't.

 Not trying to be a downer, cause Lord knows it's not in my nature but it's a big downfall right now. I need to get so much better at LIFE. I need a life coach or a really good article that will stick in my brain in a way that I can pull it out as soon I get into trouble. There are so many things that I wanna do. Little silly stuff and way big important, life altering things on my to-do list. Where do I start? Where do any of us start?

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