Sunday, March 27, 2011



I love the word.
It means so many different things to so many different people and yet that's my favorite part.
I posted this picture because it makes me feel like I am looking at myself if you want to know my truth. There is a connection between my soul and whatever this photographer, this artist, this director or this particular model's thoughts were. I found it special enough to post and blog about. It ignites something deep inside of me and it makes me thankful to be alive.

These womans wings have gotten too heavy for her and she took them off to breathe...or maybe she took them off because she didn't need them anymore? Maybe she is being born again? or for the first time? Perhaps they are too big for her little body and she is having trouble making them "fit".

I love what art does, as do most of you, I assume. There is never truth to the art your are looking at because it is so uniquely felt by the individual. So special, so secret.What is true for me is NOT going to be true for the person who reads my words and looks at this same photo. This is my favorite part of life...

I'd love to know what it does to you.
It's ALL truth, it's all good, it's all art.

Anneliese Rose

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