Tuesday, March 29, 2011

To Facebook or Not to Facebook...that is the question.

I've been struggling with Facebook lately. It is such a powerful tool and so popular among my generation but is it a good thing or a bad one? I've had this discussion with lots of people and everyone of course says "Well, Facebook keeps me connected with everyone and it makes it so much easier to be involved and be kept in the loop!" ACTUALLY, why don't you keep in touch with people WITHOUT the BLATANT intrusion of Facebook to keep you in the loop! Try picking up a phone, or writing a letter or E-MAILING or better yet VISIT someones and talk face to face with them. WOW, what a concept, I know! We are losing the human connection and because it is so convenient and speedy and instant, we keep doing it.

In my opinion we hit ridiculous was a while ago. Sites since Friendster, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter and which ever comes next! Why do I need to be kept up to date on your comings and goings on every day life. Why is what you are doing SO important that we have to type it out for EVERYONE to see, everyday, every hour? I understand if you want to post some pics from a vacation and or even share some good news but do I need to hear about how you went another night without sleep? Or that you ate or drank too much and slept an entire Sunday away? I don't. I really don't. I feel like I am being forced to care about all this bullshit that I otherwise would NOT KNOW. Where has privacy gone?
Thanks to facebook it's so easy to snoop and be aware of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE at EVERY minute. I don't like it.  Don't we have better things to do? More important things to care about?

I am starting to feel like we are all just really insecure. We NEED approval so much because we care that little about ourselves. It's sad. I don't want to go down this path but here I am like every other human, checking facebook and being nosy. That's all it is. NOSY, NOSY, NOSY! You can argue with me all you like but it's all it is. We are narcissistic, bored, insecure and lazy and that's why we Facebook.

What do YOU think?

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