Friday, March 25, 2011

Energy, God or Both? Maybe something completely different...

I had a really amazing conversation last night with a good friend and it made me start thinking about what I believe in and why. Do you ever have talks like this?
I love to have any and all conversations about God or whoever or whatever people believe in. I want to make it clear that although I do believe in God but I am an extremely open minded individual. I love to discover what people believe in and WHY. I don't reserve a place for judgment on this topic because I am simply not an expert. Not now, not ever.

The only truth we know, or I know, is that we DON'T know, right? But it's fun to talk and share and discuss.
This friend I was speaking to last night does NOT believe in God. In many ways I cringe a little whenever I hear someone say that only because God has played such a HUGE role in my 32 years so far and to me he is very real. My first thought is always...Did God just hear that? What is he thinking right now about this perosn not believing in him? Is he laughing? Is he mad? I don't know...

What my friend did say was that he believes in Energy. Good Energy that for him, IS God. He does not "pray" he "meditates". He even went on to say that Energy or something not-of-this-earth is what he believes in. I thought this to be interesting and probably a popular thought among a lot of people out there. I've never taken really the time to ask anyone in depth about their faith but since starting this blog, no question is to be denied. Whatever your opinion, belief, experience is, I wanna hear it. If we don't share and tell each others story...what's the point?

Anneliese Rose

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