Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pink or Blue...or yellow?

SOOO, I don't know how I am going to sleep tonight because tomorrow we MAY or may not find out if we are having a boy or girl...AHHH...I am officially 14 weeks 3 days and if positioned correctly we could be hearing those magic words..."IT'S A..."

Anyway I am super, way, fabulously excited and wanted to share...
What an incredible journey so far...I am an eating, peeing machine and I just can't wait to feel those kicks and jabs...I will have a NEW, larger picture of our miracle to brag about and post! Thanks for everyone who is reading. Please feel free to share your experiences with me! I would love to hear your story, your moment, your miracle :)

Happy night to all...
I hope to be able to to report some exciting news tomorrow!!!!!
Pink or blue? What do YOU think it could be???

As I think about it...this could be my very last moment in LIFE to NOT know who is coming into our world forever...God sure is AMAZING, isn't he?


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