Thursday, March 24, 2011

New territory...

I'm gonna be's completely terrifying...this blog stuff. 

Terrifying cause it's new and of course we are conditioned to be scared of what we DON'T know. 
Well I'm done being scared. What could or better yet should I be scared of? Criticism? Judgment?  from who? FUCK ALL THAT. (yes, I will swear when I feel absolutely certain that it is necessary)

Here I am ready to tell it like only I know how, cause let's get real, no one else is me. No one else is you, right? If you start to follow my blog and listen to me rant and rave, complain and cry, ask dumb questions and hopefully some smart ones too, you will find that I write the way I speak. Sorry, can't do anything about that. I guess if you are looking for the next big, bad ass writing God with perfect punctuation and grammar, I am simply NOT your girl. 

-But if you ARE looking to read about one life, MY life, as real as it gets, as intensely sad as it will be at times and equally as deliciously happy too, then Welcome...I invite you to a front row seat in the living room that is my heart...
Thank you for listening

Anneliese Rose

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