Thursday, March 24, 2011


This is a topic that lately I find myself OBSESSED with.
I get sad at least 100 times a day.
Sometimes it catches me off guard, most of the time I look for it...Do I like being sad? Do you like being sad?

If you are reading this, I'd love for you to comment on what makes you sad and why. It may sound silly but seriously I want to know what it does. We are all so different, so what makes me sad may not make you feel the same.

Some of us feel things deeply, passionately
-while others feel nothing, an emptiness and numbness. 
Whatever you are, I wanna know. I wanna know the gritty, ugly, scary not perfect emotion.
and as always...I wanna know WHY.

I am trying to learn every angle of sadness. I am smart enough to know that it's all chemical but how we feel in each moment makes or breaks us, right?

Anneliese Rose

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