Monday, May 16, 2011

Until tomorrow...

Ok everybody...
I need peoples thoughts and prayers. Good vibes and all the positive energy I can get!  My doctors office called me today and said my blood work came in and they need to sit with me and discuss the results. Not good, right? Naturally I am freaking out. I've had a splitting head ache all day...feeling sick to my stomach and just an over all horrible anxiety of what they could or could not say tomorrow. I know I shouldn't be so's out of my hands and out of my control, right? I have to have FAITH. I have to believe that no matter what, everything will be ok. My biggest fear is that after everything, God will have to take this baby away from me too. I've been through so much and fought so hard to get to this place in my life and right now I stand before the door and I have no idea what's behind it. I will find out tomorrow. I hope you keep me and my husband in your thoughts tomorrow even if it's just for a second of time...Life is so precious, so fragile. Don't forget or take for granted that ANYTHING can change and happen in an instant. Until tomorrow...

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