Sunday, May 15, 2011

Amazing weekend...

sooo I had a really amazing and fun weekend with my Dad, husband and friends. I needed to see family and people I love that I don't get to see often. It was a little slice of heaven and I felt every one of Gods smiles upon me.

You know those days where everything is just as it should be? The days where happiness is just so easy to attain? Nothing could ever stop it or come between it...well that was me and my heart this whole weekend. I am so full of joy and gratitude. I know this new life growing inside of me is just the beginning of an amazing life for us and I have no other words but THANK YOU. Thank you for letting me feel so peaceful and satisfied and so full. I hope everyone out there felt a little of what I did  in your own lives and with whatever you were doing. Looking forward to tomorrow and the days ahead...

AND just to make sure I took a 2nd preg test on Friday and this beautiful BRIGHT, blue plus sign just makes my heart flutter. What a miracle, what a gift...I cannot think of anything better than this right here...

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