Thursday, May 26, 2011

Best sound I ever heard...

For all those wondering what happened yesterday...
I went to the Doctor yesterday and had an ultrasound and there was definitely ONE baby! :) :) :) You have no idea the relief I felt when I SAW that blinking little bean up on that big screen! Not only was that absolutely magical and amazing but then the technician turned up the volume with NO warning and I heard the most beauiful sound I ever did hear...a heartbeat SO loud, so strong that I started to cry. I actually heard my baby's heartbeat for the 1st time EVER in life! I will never get this moment back...that was the most incredible thing I have ever heard and I only have God to thank for that moment. I will treasure it and never forget it.

Next time I am definitely bringing a recording device so I can hear it EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE. Maybe I can even figure out how to post an audio clip so I can share it all with you :)

To all those who thought of me or prayed for me...THANK YOU. We did it! We got through the first major week and I have nothing but GOODNESS to report...I go next Thursday at 9 am to see him or her and hear it all over again :) It's like me and my little bean have dates every week :) I love this! I love life!

Officially the happiest girl in the world!

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