Sunday, May 22, 2011

One or TWO?...

I haven't written sooner cause it's been an INTENSE last week or so! Let me explain...

In my last post I was going to go to the Doctor and find out about my bllod work, remember?
well low and behold...I have NOTHING WRONG WITH MY BLOOD :)
Everything I was so worried about suddenly dissolved...thankfully!  I was thanking God and loving life until...I get a call the next day from my Doctor...

"Hi this is your Dr.'s office calling to let you know that your hormone levels for pregnancy are through the rough so that's great BUT we need you to come in right away for an ultrasound as we could not find a sac in your uterus yesterday"   (This is my face > :( < )

So here I go jumping in my car to head to the Dr. to get this ultrasound that will tell me if in fact I am pregnant or not even through the blood tests say YES. Now they are scarring me with Etopic pregnancy. Great. Trying to pray, meditate and tell myself that no matter what happens, everything will be ok.

I get there they rush me to a lab and do an ultrasound. They not only FIND a sac in my uterus (thank HEAVENS) but they also think they see TWO SACS in there. Do you know what this means????
TWINS. I will repeat...TWINS. I almost die, flat line right there in front of them from the shock. I don't know whether or not to be happy, scared, nervous or what??? I am all of these emotions and MORE. Could you imagine? Me having twins? after everything we have been through? After the losses and the waiting and the pain and the heartache...God could give us 2??? I am beyond myself.

Of course it's WAY to early to tell and they said it could also just be a small bleed of old blood that is common and that I have nothing to worry about. The hormone levels are perhaps SO HIGH because of the 2 sacs that they think they see! I still can't believe it as I type it on the page. One is a major blessing but 2 is a freakin' miracle! I don't know what to do, I am so happy.  One person should not have this much joy in their's overload! (but I'll take it ;)

I go on Wed for my next ultrasound where they will tell me if in fact there are 2 or just 1...
either way here I go again asking for everyone's thoughts and prayers. Good vibes, good energy and just overall well being for me and whatever is happening inside of my body. I am so overjoyed that this is happening to me...One or two I honestly don't care. We just want one healthy, happy baby we can bring home and love and raise and call our own.

Miracles DO happen. One might have just happened to ME. Twins don't even run in my family!
This goes to show that God is amazingly good at what he does. I am praying everyday for whatever is going to happen...Thank you all for checking out my page, reading my words and taking this journey with me. It means a lot to me.

I hope you have a beautiful Sunday...I will write as soon as I know exactly what we are dealing with...

Till next time...

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