Monday, May 9, 2011

New Sunshine...'s been WEEKS since I last blogged.
I guess you can say I've taken a little break from blogging, life and maybe even myself...

So many things have happened! We had Easter and then Mother's Day and basically all of April and half of May, are practically GONE...where does the time go? NO, seriously where does it go?????

I have so many things to look forward to!! My husband and I will be celebrating our very FIRST year of marriage together :) We are planning a nice trip somewhere for a few days and I am shopping for a simple wedding dress so we can renew our vows and have a mini-repeat of the amazing day we had last year! It will be just us and our love as we exchange words of love and gratitude we have for each other! I can't wait!!

Not only that but this week we also find out if we are PREGNANT, again!!??!! I can't wait and no matter what happens I want to blog about it! I want to share with you and anyone who will read my words and go through this journey with me, with us! Life is now and it needs to be lived NOW!
NO ONE is perfect and God will always guide us. If it's out time to bring a life into this world, then we will! right?

I have a new lease on life. I spent some time being sad, as you know by now from my other blogs but not anymore...I have made a decision to take every day as it comes and good or bad and I know that regardless, I will be ok! We will all be ok and it's all in our thoughts and actions!
If we think negatively then we will never see our full potential. We will never truly attain happiness and peace and I for one don't want to spend another second feeling defeated or down. Lots of not so great things have happened to me. In the past and just recently. I've suffered some losses and all I can say is that they were all SUPPOSED to happen. Without the mishaps and obstacles I wouldn't know how to tackle my future. I am even getting myself on that treadmill every day after work for just an hour. It has made SUCH a difference! I feel better and probably look a little better too! It's so nice to have an hour to unwind from the day, say my thanks to the light above and know that I am taking care of my health and body. I recommend it to all. It's tough and I am tired but if you get push through, it's amazing what you will find on the other side!

I hope everyone out there is having a beautiful morning and a beautiful LIFE :)
I hope you all stay tuned to my hopefully really great news! I have a new Doctor and got all kinds of tests done to see if there was anything we were missing but so far so good. I will know soon where life is taking us. Please keep me and my husband in your prayers. We want a family more than anything and we are READY for a little blessing to be a real part of our lives :)

As always, thanks for listening...


  1. I was looking for a good picture for my FB profile and i wanted something bright cuz... i searched in sun and i came across your pic and blog...I read it and I loved it cuz it relates to my feelings a lot rite now :) thanks...

  2. Thank you for being a part of this and for connecting with my words...
